Vent PE Liners: Enhancing Packaging with Controlled Gas Exchange

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air release gasket

Air Release Valve (ARV) is a valve being released in plumbing system. Its primary role is to automatically vent accumulated air inside the pipes, in order to avoid issues related to air accumulation (inefficient flow of water, pressure fluctuations and damage to the system). Whenever the pressure in pipe system rises up, air release valve is automatically open to allow air pass out. Normally, there is a float within the valve and as air collects in the valve body the float rises to open the orifice. Air escapes out of the oarifice, until then float descends down to a lower level proving that air has been'vented. Therefore, after the air is released from the orifice, this sealing mechanism closes it tightly to prevent water loss.
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Air release valves are an important component in water applications, as they help ensure efficient operation of the system while preventing air-related challenges and protecting the integrity of the system. Such valves play an important role in many water applications, including pressure relief cocks and irrigation systems, because they have the capability to automatically discharge air that has become trapped. Air release valves shall be installed in an upright position at the high point of a system and the air inlet facing downward. When the valve closes, and this goes along with its installation, it needs to be remembered that a little liquid should come out of this valve. So the output flow line must go in an open drain area. If maintenance is warranted, there should be a shut-off valve under the valve.

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Improve system efficiency

Improve system efficiency

Air release valves can automatically release air from the pipe, reducing obstruction of air to water flow and thereby increasing fluid flow efficiency.Air creates mean and bubbles will form in air pockets in the pipe which would block water flow causing loss of pressure as well as reduced water flow capacity since air is incompressible. Air release valves prevent this air from making its way into the water flow, which hinders the passage of water over time, increases energy consumption and lowers working efficiency of the system as a whole.Also, air release valves maintain stable pressure in the pipeline system and prevent water hammer caused by accumulation of air that can break pipes & associated equipment.
Protection system equipment

Protection system equipment

Air release valves serve to avoid stooping pockets of air that causes water hammer. Water hammer is the phenomenon of rapidly varying pressure waves in pipes, which can result in catastrophic mechanical damage to pipes, valves, pumps & other equipment. Air release valves, in addition, are critical to avoid corrosion issues caused by air accumulation. In comparison, when air touches the water, it may enhance the dissolved oxygen content of the water that can expedite pipe materials to be corroded. This risk can be minimized and the pipe integrity can also be preserved by venting.


Vent PE liners keep goods fresh by stopping them from going bad, and extending shelf life makes the system cost-effective.